Alphas Wiki

Gphhawkins Gphhawkins 31 July 2012


Hello my name is George Hawkins, and I have an idea for a new alpha ability:

An Omnicognitives ability is activated upon their death. It is an enhanced version of an Hypercognitive alpha thanks to a PhotoStim. The Hypercognitive Alpha (Omnicognitive) would have a perfect mind to body connection just like they would have while being a hypercognitive, but more efficient and alot better. They would posse the ability to control one's brain and everything the brain controls at far greater lengths. Due to this, they are able to heal from any injury, even including death. As seen when small wounds will regenerate new tissue. They also have an extreme expanded lifespan. Their ability can restore biotic organisms to optimal health. See Hypercognitiv…

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